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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Time at Home With the Hartsocks

June 17 - 28, 2010
These past days we have enjoyed Lindsy, Carter and the twins, Avery and Emelia, with us at home in Inkom. Ben had flown back to Chicago to work until his brother, Jeremiah's, wedding on June 29th when we came home from Utah with Lindsy and kids. Ben flew back out again on Friday, June 25th to join us until the family left for Utah on the morning of the 28th to prepare for the wedding. Lance, Aubri and Taylor were able to come out to visit a couple of times during the period Lindsy was here. On Saturday, June 19th we went to the zoo at Ross Park in Pocatello. Our planned picnic got rained out so we came home for a picnic on the deck with Lance, Aubri and Taylor. Lindsy got to renew friendships with local friends and they had family pictures taken after Ben came. Dad started a project to build a tree house during Lindsy's stay in the "swing tree" in the back yard utilizing the slide and other materials from the play set that Laurie and Evan tore down. Carter helped with the project as much as a two-year old can help. We hope he can come back to play in it after it is finished. The twins were so much fun. They laugh and giggle easily and are growing and developing quickly. We don't know how Lindsy manages alone though because they can also really squeal when they are not getting the attention they want. Carter had a lot of fun playing games, swinging with Uncle Lance and playing in the creek with Taylor. We all just enjoyed the twins and Carter and we hope they had a wonderful time.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fun Family Get-Together

June 9 - June 16, 2010
This has been a busy, varied and fun week of family-related activities. On the morning of June 9th we packed up the motor home with Little Blue tagging along and headed for Draper, Utah. There we met Lindsy and Ben and kids in the early afternoon high on the East bench at the Draper temple where Ben's brother Noah was getting married. We looked after the little ones until after the ceremony and pictures and then headed down into the valley to a country club parking lot to again tend little ones through the reception at the club house. We then headed to Springville to the Ockey campground to set up camp in their driveway for the week.
For the next two and one-half days Dad worked with Jordon between rain storms to install two pole lamps on either side of the sidewalk leading to the lower entrance patio of Laurie and Evan's home in preparation for the August 14th wedding reception for Kristina and Jared. How power was obtained is a long story for another time. In addition a new light fixture was installed on the lower patio and three more existing outdoor deck and patio light fixtures were replaced. On Friday evening we went to Payson to spend the evening with Leon, Chrissy and Brendon.
On Saturday afternoon the McKnights, Lance and family, Leon's family and the O'Donnals had joined us from far and wide to go to a photo studio in Provo (because the weather had forced a change of plans for an outdoor setting in a nearby canyon) for every combination of family pictures imaginable. Following this the adults in the family went to a restaurant in Springville for dinner. This was all a lot of fun but was also planned as a pretext to a surprise 25th wedding anniversary party that Breanne had been planning with considerable help for Laurie and Evan for the last six months. It was fun trying to bake and decorate cupcakes and make many last-minute preparations right under their noses in their driveway and still maintain the surprise factor. Immediately following dinner Laurie and Evan were instructed to put on blindfolds in the back seat of Lance and Aubri's car to head for the church (which was also a backup to the Ockey's back yard due to inclement weather) for the big surprise. Many family on both sides and friends from near and far were there assembled with lights out to yell, "Surprise!" as the blindfolds came off and the lights came on. They were indeed surprised and a little emotional to see everyone there and all the decorations and goodies for the party. A brief slide show of family history over the past 25 years was shown and Laurie and Evan were invited to dance to "their song," You Are the Inspiration, by the group Chicago. Evan's sister, Penny, gave a short account of how the relationship started after Evan returned from the mission field and saw a picture of Laurie on Penny's mirror and asked who that was. When Penny told him he said, "You mean Laurie Lewis from our ward? Boy has she grown up!" There was lots of fun, goodies, visiting and renewing family ties and friendships.
We did church on Sunday and then were back to work on Monday with back yard enhancements including weeding, planting flowers, repairing a leaking drinking fountain and fixing a large dragging back yard gate. In the evening we went to a "flag retirement" ceremony in the Macy's parking lot in Provo where a local marine who had served in both Iraq and Afghanistan gave a speech and a local boy scout troop burned a couple of hundred flags that had seen better days with a salute to each as it was draped over the flames. We then helped fix a broken sprinkler head in Trevor and LaRinda's front yard and called it a night.
On Tuesday we kind of hung out with Lindsy and her three kids and had a long talk with Laurie that morning. Lindsy is staying for the next two weeks for another Hartsock wedding while Ben flew back to Chicago Sunday. She will go home to Inkom with us until Jeremiah's wedding later this month when Ben will again fly out. In the afternoon we went for a very pleasant picnic in a park up Hobble Creek Canyon to the East of Springville.
On Wednesday we tried a ride with Mckinsie, Mariah and Carter up Hobble Creek Canyon but the road was closed so we drove up highway 6 to Diamond Fork Road and past Three Forks where the hike begins to Fifth Water Hot Springs where we have hiked with Leon in the past. We drove up to the junction with the Hobble Creek Canyon road and then turned around and returned. It was very pretty and green in the hills due to all the moisture in the past few weeks and it was raining today! In the afternoon when Kristina got off work we headed for home with Lindsy and her kids and Kristina. Thursday morning Jared will drive down from Rexburg to pick up Kristina. All in all it has been quite a week and we are looking forward to spending time with Lindsy, Carter, Avery and Emilia.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


We love all our grandchildren dearly. We have had the opportunity to tend little Taylor Lewis (when we have been home) a couple of days per week through her first year. We had a close relationship with Carter, Emelia and Avery Hartsock for a couple of months last winter. We have also had the opportunity to see Brandyn, Travis and Dillan McKnight frequently this past year. Laurie was a similar blessing to her Grandma and Grandpa Carson as we finished our last year of school before moving to Utah after our marriage. We plan to share similar future experiences. Anyway we just wanted to point out this important part-time retirement activity we have enjoyed this past year. Our prayers continue for Lance, Aubri and all our children and their spouses as they make homes for these precious little angels from heaven.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Helping Leslie and Matt Pack and Move

May 26-28, 2010
We spent most of these three days in Idaho Falls helping Leslie and Matt finalize packing, moving to a storage unit, cleaning their apartment and performing necessary yard work as they move to Cornish, Utah to stay with Matt's grandmother McKnight temporarily until they can find housing in the southeastern corner of Idaho. Matt quit his jobs in Idaho Falls with the school district and helping special needs children and has taken a job to work with special needs students with the school district in Dayton, Idaho which begins this fall. We were reminded what a huge job it is to clean a house and yard and move from an established home where you have lived for several years although it hasn't been that long since we did the same thing for Lindsy and Ben. But there is still a big difference between and relatively small apartment with a family of three (that had just barely become five) and a two-level home with older children in a family of five (soon to be six). It did help that they weren't moving in January:) Even though we did a lot it was after Matt and Les had done most of the job before we arrived. While in Idaho Falls we took Thursday evening to go to the temple with Leslie and perform all the temple ordinances for Bonnie's Aunt Helen and Uncle Emilio DeCarlo, two of their children and her Aunt Ethel. The two aunts were her father's sisters.