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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Utah Vacation Continued (Natural Bridges)...

Wed April 28
We started the day by repairing the dune buggy brakes then broke camp and traveled to Goblin Valley north of Hanksville, Utah. There wasn’t much to see but the “goblins” were quite different from anything else we have seen. We also finished the day with a serious dune buggy road off from Temple Mountain Road a few miles past the turnoff to Goblin Valley. There was an old mine shaft where we turned around to return. What has made today less than ideal has been a steady very high wind that is blowing sand everywhere and making a lot of the drives, both on and off the highway, somewhat miserable.
Thu April 29
Today we traveled to Natural Bridges National Monument. It continues terribly windy and downright cold. We got a few groceries in Hanksville and spent some time at the Hite Overlook on Lake Powell. When we got to the Natural Bridges overflow camping area Dave had problems leveling his motor home and so we helped him correct the problem while Gene and Lynn and Darwin and Pam toured Natural Bridges but did no hiking. We and the Gardners then watched a movie while the Liljenquists played games and we went to bed for a cool night (it got down to 26 degrees).
Fri April 30
This morning Gene, Lynn, Darwin, Pam and Laurene drove the loop around to Bluff, Utah and back in Darwin’s pickup while Dave, Bonnie and Leo toured Natural Bridges. We hiked down a demanding .6 mile rocky trail with stairs and ladders to under Sipapu Bridge. We then went to view the Horse Collar Anasazi Ruin and the Kachina Bridge overlooks. Finally we hiked down to under the Owachomo Bridge and returned to the visitor’s center to view a film about the formation of natural bridges and the general Southern Utah landscape.

1 comment:

  1. So fun to read about your trip! The pictures are beautiful. You are quite the talented photographer. :) I miss you and want to catch up more soon so call when things settle down a bit. I love you!
