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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Helping Leslie and Matt Pack and Move

May 26-28, 2010
We spent most of these three days in Idaho Falls helping Leslie and Matt finalize packing, moving to a storage unit, cleaning their apartment and performing necessary yard work as they move to Cornish, Utah to stay with Matt's grandmother McKnight temporarily until they can find housing in the southeastern corner of Idaho. Matt quit his jobs in Idaho Falls with the school district and helping special needs children and has taken a job to work with special needs students with the school district in Dayton, Idaho which begins this fall. We were reminded what a huge job it is to clean a house and yard and move from an established home where you have lived for several years although it hasn't been that long since we did the same thing for Lindsy and Ben. But there is still a big difference between and relatively small apartment with a family of three (that had just barely become five) and a two-level home with older children in a family of five (soon to be six). It did help that they weren't moving in January:) Even though we did a lot it was after Matt and Les had done most of the job before we arrived. While in Idaho Falls we took Thursday evening to go to the temple with Leslie and perform all the temple ordinances for Bonnie's Aunt Helen and Uncle Emilio DeCarlo, two of their children and her Aunt Ethel. The two aunts were her father's sisters.

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