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Monday, June 20, 2011

Fulfilling a Promise and Father's Day

It was looking like there would be no camping nor fishing this summer until Alyssa decided it was time for Grandpa to make good on his promise to take her fishing. She had even caught and saved worms for this purpose. To accomplish this LaRinda, Trevor and family came up from Provo for the weekend. The kids as is typical of nearly all kids enjoyed playing in the creek Friday afternoon.

Brendyn, Corinne, Alyssa and Kaylie on far side
On Friday evening we roasted hot dogs and s'mores around the campfire in the back yard to the accompaniment of many memorable oldie tunes by the family accompanied by Trevor and LaRinda on their guitars.

On Saturday we tripped to Hawkins Reservoir a few miles from Downey, Idaho for the promised fishing expedition. The day was cool and breezy and the fishing was very slow but Brendyn and Corinne each managed to land a nice-sized rainbow trout. Unfortunately Alyssa, Kaylie and Grandpa all got skunked. But it was a fun time together and hopefully we made some memories in spite of the lack of fishing luck. Everyone picked up quickly with wind blowing and rain threatening late in the afternoon and and we didn't get a picture of the fish.

On Sunday morning we fixed Dad a nice breakfast of toast, scrambled eggs, fresh strawberries, granola and orange juice for Father's Day. Then we all went to Church and came home to a nice dinner after which Lance and Aubri came out to present Dad with a new Kindle and an Amazon gift card from all our children for his Father's Day gift. He also received a call from each of our kids who were not present. Dad loves each of our children very much and was touched by their calls and gifts. He also is pleased with the Kindle and spent much of the evening learning about his new toy. It will be especially nice to not have to pack heavy, bulky scriptures for the European trip. We also learned that we will get to tend Taylor most of our remaining two weeks because of an injury suffered by Aubri's Mom last week. In the mean time Dad and I are now off to take care of remaining business and packing in preparation for leaving in a few short days.

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