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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Saw London, I Saw France, I Saw Police Blow up Someone’s Underpants

We left Belgium early Saturday on the high-speed train.
When we got to Paris we couldn’t check into our hotel for a couple of hours so we decided to go to the Louvre Museum because we would only have one hour there on our tour the next day. On our way Laurene got stuck in the doors at the metro station gate. They closed on her upper body. Everyone was tyring to get them open. We think she may have cracked a rib.
We walked around in the park outside the Louvre where we also got our first sight of the Eiffel Tower.

We spent about five hours in the Louvre looking at the paintings and statues. We had a difficult time finding key displays because the place is so huge. We finally found the Mona Lisa.
Our night tour started at 8:00 P.M. to see the lights of the city. It included a trip down the Seine River. I liked the river tour as they told about all the bridges on the river. There are thirty five bridges on the river. All were very different. Some were ornate with statues and gold leafing. It was gorgeous to see all the lights on the bridges and the city.

Notre Dame Cathedral

The trip was very beautiful and it was breathtaking to see the Eiffel tower lit up with twinkle lights. By the time we got to get pictures the twinkles were gone. It was still very beautiful.
We traveled around many monuments but Dad, Dave and I were in the back of the van. We could only see about fifteen feet at the bottom while some monuments were over 100 feet tall. We did get some day pictures of some of them. We got back to the hotel late, dead tired and went to bed.
Sunday we got up early to get to our tour.
Laurene was still hurting but a little better. She was very brave to continue on to see the sites. One of the metro lines that we needed was closed but we found a good Samaritan to help us find our way around. He walked us up to take the bus to get where we needed to be. He spent twenty minuets or more helping us.
We found that most people were very helpful and friendly to us. The tour turned out to be mostly a walking tour. We went back to the Louvre and our tour guide took us to the parts of the museum that we had missed the day before. Then of course we had to see the Mona Lisa again. This time it was better because she told us a lot about the paintings that we had seen before. There was a lot that you missed without someone there to tell you all the little details. In some paintings the painter had painted himself into the painting as one of the characters. It made the experience much more enlightening.

David and Goliath

Weddin in Caanan Where Christ Turned Water Into Wine

Then we rode the boat on the River Seine to the Eiffel tower
and took the elevator to the first floor to have some lunch.
Dad and I had grilled salmon with risotto, a salad and cheese cake for desert. The lunch was so good with lots of flavor. I will have to reproduce it sometime. We then went out to look around some.

But then we decided to climb the stairs to the second floor for the view. Dad counted 325 steps.

When we came down it was getting time to meet the tour guide so we took the stairs down. Since we missed our turn on the elevator we didn't just go back to the first floor but all the way down to the ground. There must have been 500 more steps from the first floor to the ground. I thought my legs were going to fall off but the energizer bunny was on his way to get just one more picture.
He told me to wait for him and not to move. So I waited and waited and waited. Then I saw him and started to walk toward where he was. He passed through some people and was gone and I could see him nowhere. So I walked back to where he left me to wait some more. He forgot where he left me and by this time I was in a panic. When he finally showed up we had four minutes to get back to meet the tour guide. We had to run all the way to the dock on the river. When we got there we turned the wrong way and had to double back but we made it with a minute to spare. We then boarded the boat down the river to the Notre Dame Cathedral.

It was big but not the prettiest one we have seen. I think Westminster Abby has it beat hands down. Laurene says that St Paul's Cathedral in London has it beat too. After we were done with our tour through the church we had three hours before our train back home left. As we walked toward the metro station we ran across a cafe called Espace Petit Pont which was an outdoor restaurant. We wanted to have a crepe before we went home and this place was very entertaining. The waiters were very funny, jumping on chairs to take pictures for people and so on.
Others drinks had fire works on them and our crepes had sparklers burning on the top of them.
I always wanted to stop at one of these places. I really enjoyed the time we spent there. When we got to the train station we found that it would cost us another hundred euros to change our tickets so we could go back early. So we decided to wait out the two remaining hours. We walked around and had a treat and water to get a place to sit down. Then we moved back into the train station. We finally all got a seat just as the police came and evacuated the area.
Everyone was talking in French so we didn’t know what was going on. We finally learned that the station was being closed down because they had found unclaimed luggage left in the station. It was confusing because everyone was yelling in French but someone told us to plug our ears because the bomb squad was going to detonate the bag. Now you know what the bomb blowing up the pants was all about. I don’t think I would ever want to claim that bag. I don’t suppose there is much left of it. It was quite a big bang. All the trains were stopped outside the station so we had to walk quite a ways to our train. We got home about 10:30 that night. After all we left a few things unseen so we can go back some day.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

London In a Day

We went to London on Saturday. We rode the fast train at nearly 200 miles per hour that goes under the English Channel.

London Train Station
We hurried to get to Buckingham Palace for the changing of the guard to find out that The changing of the guard was every other day and not today. That was a great disappointment for us. We did see the horse parade with the guards on them.

Buckingham Palace
After the Palace we boarded the tour bus. The traffic was horrible and Dad could hear nothing that the tour lady was saying so we opted to walk. Dave and Laurene stayed on the bus.
Upper Deck of Double Decker Tour Bus
We made our way to the National Art Gallery on Trafalgar Square to see the paintings. We really just did a fast look and see. We couldn’t take any pictures in the museum. That is one memory that we’ll have to keep in our heads. It was neat to see the old artists' work. They were predicated on religion a lot. I guess I had never thought about what was being painted back then. I would have loved to have had more time to think about what I was seeing.

The art that most excited me was done with grass on a wall outside the museum.

My hunger got the best of me so we found a sandwich shop and had some lunch. We walked past Park Place and it didn’t break me to land on it.

We gazed up at Big Ben and the House of Parliament.

then trudged on to see Westminster Abby.

It made all the churches here look poor. Again we were not allowed to take pictures inside. It was beautiful to see and huge. We did get a few picture of the court yard.

We watched the young guards who stood at attention at the royal buildings. One of them looked as if he was ready to pass out. He had to shift to keep it together. I felt sorry for them standing like that.

I stood by one of the horses. It was trying to bite the person on the other side of him. That is why I look so stiff while standing there.

We then boarded a boat for a trip up the River Thames. The guide told about each bridge that we went under. We heard about the buildings and what they were built for. Or was it what they were built to look like? You tell me what you think the round glass dome looking one looks like (It is the city office building).

We walked around the Tower of London. This is where kings and prisoners lived and where the crown jewels are now kept. It was huge and very old with a lot of history.

We took the tour of tower bridge.

The engine room for the drawbridge was quite interesting.

We had a great dinner of fish and chips. They are eaten here with vinegar and salt. I didn’t think that sounded good but it was real tasty.
The Eye of London took people up to see London from a birds eye view. We did not take this one.