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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No Diamonds in Antwerp, the World's Diamond Capital

We had a slow week and it rained most of it. We tried the market again on Thursday but bought nothing. We decided that we weren’t going to stay home even if it rained. We took off on Saturday morning for Antwerp to see the Zoo. When we pulled into Antwerp we saw an old castle that we walked to see.

It was one of the kinds that ended up being a photo op stop because you couldn’t go inside. We had a good hike and found several buildings and a church in the city center to photograph.

Nearly all public restrooms in Belgium have an attendant and it costs about 70 cents to go. After visiting the city center we went to the train station that was right next to the zoo. The train station was huge. It was very ornate and fascinating to see.

This zoo was right in the middle of the city with high walls around it. I was wondering what the smell is like on a hot summer day for the neighbors. By the time we arrived it was lunch time and we all needed to get a bite to eat. For the price the lunch was very tasty. Then we spent about five hours in the zoo looking around. It would rain for a while then it would quit. It was an excellent zoo and was quite clean. All displays were done very nicely.

Poison Dart Frog
The zoo was very large with a huge variety. For a zoo trip and the rainy day it was a good trip. We drove home and went to the Cesar to have some dinner. As with our first dinner in Belgium the Cesar offered us the very best dinner. On Sunday we went to church. We sit in the back so a member can interpret for us during meetinges. The interpreter sits between us to translate during Relief Society and Sunday School. In sacrament meeting we wear head sets that let us hear the interpretation of what is being said. Sometimes I find it hard to concentrate on what’s being said.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a fun trip! Why did't do a little birthday diamond shopping? ;0) What did you do on your birthday? We all miss you! I love you! laurie :0)
