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Monday, September 19, 2011

We Are Getting Close to the Time

Our time here is winding down. I am so excited to get home. This week it has been raining a lot still. But the farmers are finally getting some of the crops harvested when it dried out for just a day or two. It has been fun to watch them harvesting the fields out in the area where we live.
Harvesting Carrots

Harvesting Sugar Beets Next Door to Us
Our trips grocery shopping are getting fewer now. I have made it through a trip or two without having to have help. On Wednesday Steven, Dad's boss, and Valerie came over to the flats for dinner. We had a real nice time with them.
Dad, Me, Steven, Valerie, Laurene and Dave
On Friday night Dad pulled an all night at work. He didn't get home 'till seven the morning. He did get a couple hours of sleep then we took a ride to the North Sea coast again. The weather was cold and windy as it was last time we went.

We made the trip short and came home. We continue to enjoy our walks most evenings in the countryside out where we live.

We are coming up on our last Sunday in this branch. I will miss  the people that we have met here. It has been a lot of fun meeting the people in the branch. I sure do miss the ward back home and will be glad to be home again. Dad's former boss at ON, Paul Petersen, is here this week. We went out to dinner with him and George Longdon, a new person who works for ON. We had a good dinner and visited with them last night.

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