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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Visit From the O'Donnals

This weekend we were blessed to enjoy a visit from our daughter, LaRinda, and her family. They were the only one of our children's families unable to be here for Lance and Aubri's reception last month due to a death in Trevor's family. Our daughter, Leslie, and Matt had planned to be here Sunday but didn't get to come because they had sick kids. They have three down with the croup. While Aubri was attending a managers conference in Seattle this weekend Lance also came out with little Taylor to spend a good share of Saturday with us. While the weather did not encourage much outdoor activity with wind and cool temperatures to go with the snow on the ground we still had a great time. Alyssa was able to make a snow hat to wear. She got to use Grandma's new serger and sewing machine to make it. Besides lots of conversation and good food the O'Donnals always come prepared to share their talents with us. Corinne shared the beginnings of a story she is writing. This was only frustrated by the fact we were left hanging while we wait for her to finish. Brendyn shared his unusual sense of humor in cartoons he has created. Kaylie is a budding broadway actress and all the kids have amazing art talent. Then we also enjoyed Trevor and LaRinda singing and playing oldies on their guitars while the rest of the family and we joined in karaoke style. Taylor was a little disappointed that cousins more her age were not there but the kids helped her feel included and I believe she had a lot of fun. We can't help but notice what a caring and sensitive Daddy Lance is. We love our grandchildren very much and enjoy them when they are here with us.

Notice Alyssa's Hat She Made

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Whirlwind Month

Take a deep breath. This one's going to take a while. We have been in a whirlwind for the last month it seems. Upon returning from Belgium I had to immediately get ready for the trip to Las Vegas for the wedding. Then we got home and had to get the house cleaned in preparation for all the families to be here for Lance and Aubri's reception. Boy, did I miss the maid service. Oh ya, I was the maid, cook, and Grandma all at once. We hosted around  twenty-eight family members in and out and around my house during the long weekend of the reception. I thought I would have to hang a few of them with velcro from the ceiling. The kids played in the creek all day.
Carter is Macho Man

Irrestible Attraction for Kids

Aunt Lindsy, Carter is Playing in the Water
They also had fun on the swing, around the fire pit, in the tree house and around the yard.
Dillan in Mid-Air Flight

Brendon Lewis Meticulously Built a Genuine "Boy Scout" Fire

Needing Help in the Swing Built for Two

Art Work in the Tree House (Can I Do This at Home, Mommy?)

Jaxon Likes the Taste of this Pebble Best

We Do Love Each One of Them!
The mostly older kids also had a lot of fun in the house and I cooked non stop for a few days.

But I did get time to love every one of the grand kids. It was the fullest and most happy time in my life. Each one of the grand kids is so very special to us. Each one is so unique in personality. It was a joy to have them here. We do love our families. We were sorry for the few that could not come. You missed a great time.We were missing nine of the family. The kids got to swing and play with cousins they don't get to see too often. I think that they loved the time with each other.

We all got together for dinner at Butterburr's Friday evening.

Lance and Aubri had a beautiful reception Saturday evening with free ice cream included in the treats for guests at the tropical island-themed Farr's Ice Cream reception center in Pocatello.

The Happy Couple with Taylor and Parents

Taylor Gives a Big Hug to Her Cousin

Dancing With Daddy
His siblings had a great time "getting even" with him for his (teasing) history of not supporting BYU athletics by decorating their home with BYU graffiti.

Caught in the Act Huh, Lindsy (Oh Well, He Deserves it)

This Didn't Last Long Sunday Morning Once Discovered.
Dang, I Wonder Who All Saw This!
Sunday we went to church with most of the families. After meetings all the kids gathered around to feed and pet the horses. They also took turns sitting on the horses and thought that was pretty cool.

You Tell Me Which One is Avery and Which is Emilia, OK?
Leon left to take Lindsy's husband Ben to the airport to catch a flight back home. My sister Jane and Leo's sister Sharon were here too. We loved having them here with the family. I'm not sure if Jane was sane after being here with so many. Both were a great help along with the girls getting everyone fed and meals prepared. I don't know what I would have done without them. We had some real late nights talking and laughing at each other. Laurie's kids won't let me live a few things down. I get pretty silly when I get tired and tend to do and say things that I should not have. Its a good thing I can claim that I am just too old to remember what I did. I sure had a good time and hope they all did too. On the Monday after the reception we cleaned and got ready to go to Leslie's home in Idaho Falls to tend the boys for a week while she traveled to Chicago to help Lindsy get her kids home. The boys were angels while we were there. Dillan was a great help with Jaxon before he went to school each day. Brandyn and Travis worked hard to keep the house clean and watched Jaxon too. At this point I know why we have our familys at a young age. Leo and kids lashed the chairs with the vacuum cord so Jackson could not get in the kitchen to unload the cupboards, eat the dirt from the plants or dump the garbage. He promptly crawled around the end chair. After reinforcing the barricade he was not able to get into things. Even after he had not seen us all summer he was good with us. He fussed very little while we were there.
Before lashing together with vacuum cleaner cord

Hey, Grandma... Where's Breakfast?

We also got to spend a couple of days tending little Taylor.

Grandpa's Little Helper

These little ones grow and learn so quickly and are so much fun. While we were gone I got my CD's to learn Portuguese. I wish I was younger trying to do this. My brain struggles. Leo just tells me to be patient and it will come but our trip is coming up soon. We will be with a group of 36, many of whom are returned Brazilian missionaries and their wives. We will fly to Milan, Italy and then sail from Savona, Italy over the next three weeks to the following ports and in the process cross the Atlantic Ocean: Malaga, Spain, Casablanca, Morocco, St. Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Mindelo, Capo Verde and then to Forteleza, Recife, Maceio, Salvador, Ilheus, Rio de Janeiro and Santos, Brazil. Leo is very excited to spend the day in Recife with a family he baptized while serving there. We then fly home from Sao Paulo, Brazil and have just a few days preparation before taking off for Arizona for the winter. Sorry I took so long getting this post finished.