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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Visit From the O'Donnals

This weekend we were blessed to enjoy a visit from our daughter, LaRinda, and her family. They were the only one of our children's families unable to be here for Lance and Aubri's reception last month due to a death in Trevor's family. Our daughter, Leslie, and Matt had planned to be here Sunday but didn't get to come because they had sick kids. They have three down with the croup. While Aubri was attending a managers conference in Seattle this weekend Lance also came out with little Taylor to spend a good share of Saturday with us. While the weather did not encourage much outdoor activity with wind and cool temperatures to go with the snow on the ground we still had a great time. Alyssa was able to make a snow hat to wear. She got to use Grandma's new serger and sewing machine to make it. Besides lots of conversation and good food the O'Donnals always come prepared to share their talents with us. Corinne shared the beginnings of a story she is writing. This was only frustrated by the fact we were left hanging while we wait for her to finish. Brendyn shared his unusual sense of humor in cartoons he has created. Kaylie is a budding broadway actress and all the kids have amazing art talent. Then we also enjoyed Trevor and LaRinda singing and playing oldies on their guitars while the rest of the family and we joined in karaoke style. Taylor was a little disappointed that cousins more her age were not there but the kids helped her feel included and I believe she had a lot of fun. We can't help but notice what a caring and sensitive Daddy Lance is. We love our grandchildren very much and enjoy them when they are here with us.

Notice Alyssa's Hat She Made

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