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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Forteleza, Brazil (continued)

Wed Nov 30
As we stepped off the ship in Fortaleza, touching Brazilian soil for the first time, we were greeted by decorated dancers dancing to the traditional Maracatu rhythm inspired by African ancestors.

Our tour stopped at a historic and ornate theatre that is still in use for live performances,

a large catholic cathedral reminiscent of Notre Dame in Paris,

an old prison that has been converted into a market

and at the beach where there are many beautiful high-rise hotels and apartment buildings along the water front.

Inside the cathedral was clean and neat but much less ornate than those we visited in Europe this summer. Along the way we saw an old lighthouse, several monuments, a beautiful white Christmas tree made entirely with hammocks,

and also the occasional "favelas" or slum areas where the very poor live.

The tour guide told us much about the area's history including the eventual conquest by the Portuguese in the 16th century and the liberation of slaves in the late 1800's. The city gets it's name from the Portuguese word for "fortress" which was erected here by the Portuguese to ward off invasions. The remnant of that fortress still exists and is used by the military.

It was very windy as we left port this afternoon as we watched activities and read on the open deck. In the evening after dinner we watched a show put on by talent from the ship's crew members. It included song, dance, fruit carving, pantomime and an interesting number using a group with white gloves and black light such that only the gloves were visible and they danced and waved, finally forming the word "LOVE" with their hands. It was another very nice show that we enjoyed a lot. Well, tomorrow is the big day we have waited a couple of months for and Dad has waited over 45 years for when we dock at Recife and meet the remaining four members of the Porciuncula family that he baptized on his mission and who still live there. We have planned in advance to spend the day with them and we have from 2PM to 10PM.

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