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Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Special Christmas in July

July 26, 2010.

Upon our return from Stanley we found in our mail a life history of Dad's brother, Bill Lewis, who lives in Kennewick, Washington. Bill is 15 years older than Dad. They have the same father but different moms and Bill has always been a special brother to Dad. Anyway he included history not only about himself but about their father that was especially touching since their father passed away at age 44 when Dad was only 7 years old and he left no written history at all. We love Bill and his lovely wife, Luana, and their family (Lisa, Scott, Rick and Chris). We have visited them several times, most recently last fall to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Thanks, Bill for the many insights into your life experiences in an entertaining and well-written biography. We admire you for what you have accomplished in life with so many challenges, especially through your youth.

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