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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Renewing Family Ties

Fri Dec 24
We hit the road early and arrived at Dad's cousins' place near Queen Creek just after noon. His cousins from his Uncle Lowell Walker (Grandma Lewis's brother) and Aunt Florence are Ivan, Ruby and Milo. Ivan and Milo are now single and living together on three acres of land pretty much out in the middle of nowhere. It is quiet and we now have reliable internet until we move into our park January first. Milo's oldest son and his family are here for the weekend from the Salt Lake area and Ruby's daughter Alayne and her kids, who live in the area, came over in the afternoon. We had a wonderful pot luck dinner and played games until we laughed ourselves silly. The two favorites were "Mafia" and "What if." Our kids will relate to Mafia. In "What if" everyone writes a question that begins with, "What if...." The papers are then shuffled and redistributed and everyone writes an answer to their question. Then we go around the circle with each reading their what if question and the next person reading their answer (which was to a different question). Most times the unrelated answer coincidentally answers the question in a very funny way. We would all have a great laugh and then proceed until all questions had been answered. Try it some time and you will be surprised how fun it can be. We then all retired to wait for Santa's arrival.
Sat Dec 25
Christmas day! We woke up and let the families do their Christmas thing before going in for another delicious pot luck dinner. We then sat around and visited and got better acquainted and the kids had fun with our ladder golf game outside. We also got on Skype and talked with all our kids to check out their Christmas.
Sun Dec 26
We all attended church meetings with Milo and Ivan and Aaron's family in the morning. It was amazing to be back in a "normal" congregation with multiple babies fussing, few seniors and all Aaronic priesthood youth administering to and passing sacrament. When we got home we rested a while and then drove into Chandler to visit Dad's Aunt Eula who has been very ill and was just released from the hospital. She is 87 years old and is his Uncle Leland Walker's wife. Uncle Leland, who is already deceased, is another of Dad's mother's brothers. Aunt Eula is still not doing well but we hope her health improves. After that we drove on into Mesa to visit Dad's cousin Norman Walker and his wife Kathy. Norman is the son of Leland and Eula. We visited them when we were in Arizona with Lindsy about ten years ago and Lindsy and one of their daughters, Katy, became friends. We had a nice visit.

1 comment:

  1. Fun! Katy is real sweet. We still stay in contact on and off. I bet you guys are looking forward to being a bit settled. I love you!
