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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Last Few Days at Home

This past few days has been very busy with last minute preparations for the summer in Belgium. We have also gotten together with friends and family for goodbye socials. We first met at the Golden Corral in Pocatello. Dad's sister-in-law, Julie Lewis, and her son Nathan and his family were there. Then just last night the Gardners and Liljenquists came out to our home for dinner and a fireside chat. We booked a trip to Las Vegas the day after we return this fall to be there for Lance and Aubri's wedding. We are very happy they are going to make it official. We love them and wish them our best! Part of the joy of our past few days has been tending Taylor four days last week and once this week. She is such a delight and was more than willing to help Dad.

Nap Time
On Sunday Evan and Laurie's daughter, Kristina, and her husband of about a year now, Jared James, came down from Rexburg to share dinner and the afternoon with us.

It was very nice to see them since the previous time was last November in Las Vegas.  Then we made a quick trip to Idaho Falls to visit with Leslie and her boys. The purpose was to go to the new home they plan to buy and help layout the electrical work in the unfinished basement. Little Jaxon was very cute and is now crawling around easily. We have also Skype'd with Lindsy several times to share time and experience with Carter, Emilia and Avery. They are growing fast and are so lovable and cute! We continue to wish Ben a speedy recovery from his surgery. It is now with mixed emotions that we leave loved ones and friends again so soon after returning from our winter in Arizona, but look forward to new experiences we may never have the chance to do again. Bless Lance for being willing to take on the task again of caring for our home this summer and Aubri for her support of this effort. We know this will not always be easy.

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