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Friday, July 27, 2012

A Few Days to Mostly Relax Ends Badly

We spent the first twelve days of July in Island Park camping with the Gardners and Liljenquists on Gardner’s forest lot near Mack’s Inn.
Bridge on the Henry's Fork of the Snake River at Mack's Inn
It has been so hot and dry this summer that it was nice to cool down a bit.

We helped Dave take down a couple of trees that obstructed getting in and out of their driveway.

Dave’s sister, Denise, and Kenny Petersen, our former Lake Powell boating friends also spent some of the time with us. We rode in only as far as Old Faithful and Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone Park...

and took dune buggies up to Sawtell Peak at 10,000 feet elevation for a look around.
Looking west into Montana
Looking south with Island Park Reservoir in the distance

Looking north at Henry's Lake

Radar dome on Sawtell Peak
We fished on Island Park Reservoir a couple of days and caught some nice ones. I out caught everyone both days!

Notice that Laurene didn't fish

We had a dutch oven breakfast one morning prepared by Kenny around the campfire.

We hiked the two-mile round trip trail along the river from the boat launch point to Big Springs and back and visited the Johnny Sack cabin.
Johnny Sack cabin and water wheel house are on far side of Big Springs

We saw moose along the trail

Gorgeous wildflowers and crystal clear water

We attended two live stage plays, one at the theater at Mack's Inn called "The Three Amigos" and "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" at the Playmill Theater in West Yellowstone that were super fun. At other times we played games, watched movies and did a lot of chatting. Unfortunately the transaxle of the dune buggy failed during our trip and the crippled buggy was towed back home to begin extensive and expensive repairs.

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