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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Time With Ockey Family Preempted

We had every intention to spend at least part of the first week of August with Laurie, Evan and family as stated in the last post. We also have an old friend and neighbor, Dorothy Bowcut, from back in our days living in Salt Lake City who lives near there we wished to visit. Neither happened because, with utter disregard for our plans, a neighbor rudely demanded that we had a legal obligation to build half of a fence between our properties by August 2nd or he would release over twenty head of cattle to roam freely over our yard and property with the associated mess and damage if "our" half was not completed. This was not our first conflict with this person but we soon learned we had no legal obligation to do so and even had there been we would have had six months to comply. He was so informed via registered mail on July 30th which included notice of his liability if he made good on his threat. We had already installed all the posts around the entire boundary between us several years ago to mark property lines. I asked Dad what would Christ do so he gave in a little and we cleared the brush along half the fence line as a good neighbor gesture. Several people we contacted, including a law enforcement officer, knew this person to be one likely to follow through on such threats. So, although Dad felt we should stand our ground with a bully, we had to stick around home just in case until the neighbor completed the fence and turned the cattle into his property which didn't occur until that weekend. It's sad that with a different approach we would have probably been more willing to help and we missed the opportunity to share time with our daughter and her family. Why do some people have to be that way?

Typical Initial Growth Along Fence Line
After Ten Hours Under the Hot Sun of Clearing Brush

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