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Friday, February 26, 2010

Extended Chicago Stay

By Monday evening, prior to our scheduled flight the next morning, we had observed several clues that staying a little longer would be beneficial so we changed flight plans to fly back to Utah on Saturday, February 27th. This left us here with Lindsy and Ben and kids for the remainder of Ben's Mom's stay and another week beyond. We sincerely hope this did not infringe on her ability to enjoy her stay. We tried to be out and about as much as possible, visiting the nearby Brookfield Zoo, The Chicago Auto Show and the Chicago Art Institute. We also made a second trip to the Field Museum and spent an enjoyable evening on Broadway in Chicago at the Cadillac Palace Theater for the stage play "101 Dalmatians" over the remainder of our stay. We are becoming pros at riding the CTA and have done a lot of walking as well to get to and from train stations and to and from destinations.
The weather has remained quite cold with considerable snow but nothing like the Northeast U.S. has seen. We have continued to help out with Carter, the twins and with several new miscellaneous and home repair and cleaning projects.

On Sunday, February 14th the twins were blessed here at home while Ben's Mom was here. Carter was ill for a couple of days this week since Ben's Mom left but he seems to be feeling better. We will really miss holding, loving, playing with and caring for the kids. Dad has probably held and fed babies more and changed more diapers in the last month than he did for all of his own kids combined but he begs to differ. This Grand parenting is like starting all over again except we get to spoil kids and let parents deal with the consequences this time around.
On our last evening here we went to a fine steakhouse near Lindsy and Ben's called the Golden Steer for dinner. We had Tenderloin en Brochette followed by a slice of cheesecake. The service was friendly and efficient and the atmosphere was pleasant. Every serving, but especially the meat, was exceptionally delicious.

And now the time has come to go back to our own home. We miss all the families back there, especially baby Taylor. It has been nice to keep in touch on Skype from time to time. Our prayers go with Lindsy and Ben to be equal to the task they will face in the coming weeks and months.

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much. I can't even begin to express how much it meant to have you here with us. Thank you. We loved every second of it. You thought we would be kicking you out after a few weeks...little did you know we would be begging you to stay :) I seriously think you should consider a Chicago least for a year or two, just think of the beautiful weather. I'm sure I could find you a mountain or stream to park your motor home by (does the des plains river count?). love you. love you. love you.
