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Monday, January 31, 2011

A Great Day!

Mon Jan 31
It has been cloudy and a little cooler with a few sprinkles today. We first took a 4-mile hike around the neighborhoods in the vicinity of the park. We then took a drive up the Bush Highway. We first stopped at the Usery Mountain Regional Park and checked out a hike we plan to take in the future. We then visited Saguaro Lake on the Salt River. It is located in the Tonto National Forest and there are camping, picnicking and boating facilities. This reservoir is located in a scenic desert canyon. From there we continued up to highway 87 to return toward Phoenix. On the way back we stopped to tour the city of Fountain Hills where there is a large man-made lake with a geyser-like fountain in the center that goes off for 15 minutes every hour on the hour. It shoots from 300 to 500 feet high depending on if two or three pumps are activated. We could see it erupting high on the hill from miles away as we approached. When we got there we got to see it erupt just at sunset. In a small strip mall near the lake we saw a very interesting sculpture of a horse made of metal items, some of which had been chromed. Try to find the bedpan. After we were back to the park we took a long, relaxing soak and swam a few laps before calling it a night.

Sun Jan 30

We attended meetings today. One speaker from the young men's presidency gave an interesting and memorable talk interspersed with a lot of humor about the importance of feasting on the words of Christ. Later in the day we got a call from my brother, Don, and Dixie who were in Searchlite, Nevada on their way to Yuma. They will be in the area only until mid February. With us planning to be on our cruise from next Friday for a week we hope to be able to get with them some time this week. Our neighbors, Peter and Jo, were able to complete their laundry facility and were happy to have this new convenience. They and the Bramwells have both offered to shuttle us to and from the airport for our cruise.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friends, a Flea Market and a Show

Fri Jan 28
Dad helped our neighbor, Bill Dodds, with computer questions this morning and then helped Peter Campbell all afternoon with his laundry room project. I fixed a delicious chicken parmesan dinner for the Bramwells this evening after which we had a good chat. It has been a beautiful day.
Sat Jan 29
We started the day with a delicious pancake breakfast at the clubhouse. Then Dad helped Peter (the photo is of Peter and Jo Campbell) finish the electrical part of his laundry room project which took nearly all day. While they were working I went with Bonnie Restemayer to a flea market on Baseline and Signal Butte where I bought two shirts and did a lot of looking. It was a very large market and had mostly new items. In the evening we took a swim then went with the Bramwells to the Golden Sun RV Resort nearby to the Warnock Family Show where I wore one of the shirts I bought earlier. The show consisted of four of the daughters and their dad who were very talented. The girls sang and danced but one also played guitar and sang a couple of her own compositions. In Branson, Missouri they perform in the Andy Williams Theater where they have been for the last five years. They had some fun with a couple of audience members and got a lot of laughs. We learned that they are LDS and come from Lovell, Wyoming. The show content displayed their faith and patriotism and was very enjoyable.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Helping Hand

Thu Jan 27
The entire morning was spent helping Peter and Jo Campbell, our Canadian neighbors across the street with digging, plumbing and electrical to install a washer and dryer in a shed next to their park model. Then we spent all afternoon helping Jo Shappart, Dad's cousin's wife with computer issues and training. Jo had earlier invited us to a very delicious lunch with Richard and her that was more of a dinner. We had a very enjoyable time with them and did some more talking about old times and family and friends we have in common.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tue Jan 25

This morning one more service call from Qwest may have finally resolved our internet problems. Dad also found corroded connections in the entrance phone jack of the motor home and replaced it which can only help. After that we went to a jam session in the park clubhouse and had a lot of fun listening to some very good impromptu music by musicians that are park residents. There was a lot of joking around and there were over a dozen band members playing a variety of instruments. Some also did vocals. Given the fact they have no formal practices they sounded very good indeed. Many were in attendance and a lot of couples danced to the "big band" music. Following that we went and practiced hitting golf balls at the driving net. In the afternoon we took a short ride up to the northern foothills where we took a short hike and had an unobstructed view of the Superstition Mountains out to the East. We then sat and watched a beautiful sunset together.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mon Jan 24

This morning I went with Gayle Bramwell to spend money at the Hobby Lobby to support my painting addiction while Dad worked on paperwork to get us ready for the cruise in a couple of weeks. This afternoon Dad and I went for a 5-mile bicycle ride to the Golden Sun RV Park to buy tickets to the Warnock Family Show over there next Saturday night. This group is from Branson and we expect it to be a very good show. This was also laundry day. While doing laundry Dad and I worked out on the exercise machines next door. They have weight machines, free weights and some very nice exercise machines that all appear to be quite new. This afternoon we chatted with our Canadian neighbors, Jo and Peter Campbell, for a while and then went with them in the evening to play Aggravation (like Sorry) in the club house. My partner and I came in third out of about 60 teams so we didn't win the pot but still had a lot of fun.

The Weekend

Sat Jan 22
This was housecleaning day in the morning. Then I did a lot of visiting with our neighbors, Bonnie and Tom Restemeyer, from Washington state. I have been having some back problems after all the activity yesterday and then later I got a plug in my lapband and wasn't doing so well when Dad wanted to go for a bicycle ride so he went alone. He rode about 11 miles to the north end of Idaho road and said he wished he had taken the camera for a picture of the sun setting on the hills. After dinner we did a few laps in the pool and a soak in the hot tub then came home for a movie before calling it a day.
Sun Jan 23
We attended meetings, took it easy all afternoon and went to a stake fireside in the evening with the Bramwells. A couple reported on their mission to South Africa. Afterwards the Bramwells came over and Dad shared some of his mission pictures with them as we learned that Dick had also served his mission in Brazil. It was an enjoyable evening.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hiking and a Dance

Fri Jan 21
This was a tiring but fun day. We started by hiking the Canyon Lake trail up highway 88 for about 3 miles. There was an elevation climb of about 2000 feet giving us a nice view of the lake and the distant Battleship Mountain and Weavers Needle Peak. The trail was very rocky and rough and we were on the trail for about 3 hours. Coming back down was hard on my toes as they were jammed into the end of my shoes. I was glad to get back to the car. When we got home the water was off in the park. We did a sponge bath with wipes so we could get ready for the Buddy Holly dance at the clubhouse. There were three members in the band and they played many familiar songs from the 50's and 60's. We met some new people and had a great time dancing. By the time the dance was over the water was restored in the park. Some day I guess I will have to let go and see myself as getting old. I think that is a hard pill to take even taken in small pieces.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Lost Dutchman

Thu Jan 20
This was a bit of a laid back day. In the morning Dad helped a neighbor get set up to run Skype. Then Qwest came and hopefully fixed our internet problems. We then went to browse a different antique mall, again with a huge variety of merchandise. We talked to a man about making sun shades for the front windows of the motor home and are awaiting his bid. We also visited the nearby historical site dedicated to Jacob von Walzer, the legendary Lost Dutchman whose gold mine has never been found, with the Superstition Mountains in the background.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Around the Park and a Fun Day

Wed Jan 19
It seems that internet problems are eternal. Qwest is now supposed to send out a tech tomorrow to see why our service is frequently interrupted and the speed is all over the map. After a call for service Dad went to a stake cannery assignment in Mesa and I got with the Bramwells to do water colors. They are professional artists, very talented and I am thankful for their assistance. The cannery was bottling maple syrup and did not need much help so Dad only stayed an hour and then found another antique mall in Mesa on the way home. He completed my beginner's golf club set that was started by Keith Tilley in Yuma by buying me a nice putter. Now I just have to get out and try them out. I think I'll start by practicing at the driving range in the park. In the evening we went to the "Welcome Back" pot luck for the entire park in the clubhouse. The place was packed and the food choices were both endless, it seemed, and delicious. We met a lot of new people and had a good time. A real character was Steve Tippit and his wife Pam who works in the park office. We finished the day with a soak. I thought I'd post just a few pictures from around the park for all to see where we live.

Elvis Lives Again

Tue Jan 18
Happy birthday today to my brother Glenn and Dad's brother-in-law Kirk! The highlight of this day was the Elvis impersonator that performed this evening at the clubhouse. We went with our new friends and neighbors, Dick and Gayle Bramwell and Bonnie (don't know her last name). Of several acts we have seen this one was by far the most believable in looks, moves and voice. He was awesome, picked many very memorable Elvis hits and included the scarves and teddy bears. It felt very much like going back in time. Check him out at He interacted with the audience and it was really hilarious to see many of these older women acting like they were teenagers at an Elvis concert fifty years ago!