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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hiking and Family Ties

Mon Jan 10
Today we joined the hiking group from the park for a 4-mile hike at Picket Post Mountain about 30 miles southeast of Apache Junction. We had a great time and got to know a couple, Mike and Gwen, from Alberta, Canada. The hike was of moderate difficulty and took about 3 hours. It included a visit to an old mine and beautiful desert vegetation and mountain scenery. On the way back to camp we stopped at Dad's cousin's park model home in the Golden Vista Park. They gave us a tour of their park which is huge (over 1000 sites) and very high class. Richard is 8 years older than Dad but grew up in the Inkom and McCammon area and related a lot of history, both family and about the area and people, that were very meaningful and interesting to Dad. After some conversation Richard's wife Jo mentioned some computer problems and Dad volunteered to help her. After the problems were resolved they invited us to a Chinese restaurant for a delicious dinner. Upon returning to camp we took another dip in the hot tub and pool before watching a movie and retiring for the night. It has been a very enjoyable day.

1 comment:

  1. The sunset picture is gorgeous. Nice to catch up a bit on what you are doing. I look forward to you getting internet. I have missed staying in contact. Also glad to see you are finding so many people to serve. Just getting mom ready for all that service she will be doing in Brazil in a few years right? ;)
