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Sunday, March 6, 2011

An Up and Down Weekend

Sat Mar 5
After pancake breakfast this morning we planned to help paint Ivan and Milo's house but the service project apparently fell through again as no one showed up. This may not happen before we leave at this rate after all the preparation we did in early January. So we had a downtime day and I did wire wrap jewelry in spite of having a very painful shoulder for some unknown reason the last couple of days. In the afternoon we picked up the pit-roasted pork we had ordered from the young men fund raiser project and spent time reading and enjoying the sun and the pool on another beautiful 80-degree day.
Sun Mar 6
I still have my cold and I spent a miserable night with my shoulder hurting. Today I'm trying Aleve, heat packs and shoulder rehabilitation exercises found on the internet similar to what Gene did after his shoulder surgery. Hopefully this will help. We did attend chruch but just Sacrament Meeting then we came home so I could rest up because Dad wants to go on a hike with the park group tomorrow morning and I'm not sure I'm going to feel like it. In the afternoon we went and indulged in the park's ice cream social. They provide both vanilla and chocolate ice cream with a variety of toppings to choose from. It was sinfully good! We'll have to repent on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you are not feeling great Mom. Please take it easy and take care of yourself. I love you.
