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Sunday, April 3, 2011

General Conference Then We're Out'a Here

On Saturday we took a walk and made all final preparations to leave early Monday morning. We also watched both sessions of General Conference. In the evening we took our final trip to the pool and spent quite a lot of time talking to other park residents including, Augie and Sheryl, who live in a park model in space 73. On Sunday we again watched both General Conference sessions and have been touched by the spirit and messages delivered. Our hearts are full for those we love most and pray for their families, physical and spiritual welfare. It makes us realize ever more the importance of living gospel-centered lives and striving and praying continually for an eternal family. From here until we get home later this month internet access will be catch as catch can but we will post as often as possible. As a final note for this post we want to wish Lance a wonderful birthday Monday. As we would say to each of our kids, thanks for the memories. We LOVE you! Also a happy birthday and we love you to Kristina.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures of Lance!! Sorry we didn't catch you yesterday. I love you. I hope all goes well with your travels.
