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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Building the Tree House

July 6-10, 2010.
This week was spent almost entirely trying to finish a project that became much more time consuming and costly than had ever been envisioned. Dad said he doesn't know how this ever got on his bucket list but it is now completed down to waiting for a paint job complete with a shingled gable-ended roof, a 4 1/2 foot ceiling, approximately 24 square feet of floor space, white-board walls that are good for drawing and painting on with dry-erase markers, a 9 foot "high speed" slippery slide, a ladder to climb in, four "picture" windows, half a tree trunk across the floor and a cute bench to sit on and relax in the cool shade. Thanks again to the Ockeys for their donation of slide, ladder and support pillars. As a foot note Matt and Leslie and boys have been somewhat "homeless" this summer as they moved out of their apartment in Idaho Falls early this summer, put all belongings in storage and are looking for a place to live in or near Dayton, Idaho where Matt will be working in the school this fall. They have spent much time at our place when we were home. They have also been living part time with Matt's Grandma McKnight in Cornish, Utah. They were here this week and have been a big help with a number of projects. Leslie was a great help with installing the interior walls in the tree house and we have enjoyed their company and been happy to help them as they try to get settled.

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