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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Finished the Tree House

July 26-28, 2010.

As we returned from Stanley Leslie, Matt and kids came to spend time with us. Leslie and the boys painted the tree house to finish that project that had been strung along between family activities and vacation trips for two months. We can only hope the grand kids and others who visit enjoy it enough to justify the huge effort it was to build. Oh well, it was a life long dream of Dads since the last one he built in one of the trees on the upper part of the property as a young kid. A remnant of that tree house still exists in that tree. As a special footnote Matt has found that the job promised him in Dayton is not turning out as promised and he has determined to move back to Idaho Falls to go back to his former job with the school there. This has become a time of uncertainty and turmoil for their family with Leslie expecting and all. They will now have to find affordable housing once again. We wish them the best and pray for them constantly.

1 comment:

  1. Aw it looks amazing! Great job you guys. I hope I get to see it in person sometime soon! I'm sure Carter would love it and of course Avery and Emilia will be going up and down that ladder before I will be ready to chase them :) Thanks for the updated post. It was fun to read more details about your trips. I love you guys! I miss you so much.
