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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Forgotten Events

May 20, 2010.

We need to keep the blog up more often as some important events get missed when they are just a day a few months ago. What we forgot were a play at Brendon's school near Santaquin, Utah and Corinne's high school graduation. Brendon was a prince as I recall and was called upon to revive a princess from a spell of sorts among other things. He was more than a little surprised when we showed up but he did well and we all had fun watching him. As for Corinne, we are proud of her accomplishment and wish her the best as she continues on to higher education and whatever else life brings as she crosses that threshold into the responsibilities of adulthood. After graduation we had a picnic dinner in a Provo city park. The graduation ceremony was interesting because her class in the charter school she attends was so small compared to high school graduations of our own children..

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