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Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 13 - Wednesday in Oudenaarde

Yesterday we just stayed home. Early on it was not the best day for me but it ended well. We had a nice dinner with Dave and Laurene before we visited for a while and retired. Today I met the lady next door whose name is Michelle. She is here from Romania. She speaks English well so it is easy to talk with her.

Her husband even helped us when our car would not start one day. We invited her to explore with us today.

We went in to Oudenaarde to a tapestery muesem but we weren't allowed to take pictures. We then went to the old city hall. It's not used for government any longer but is now also a museum. There was a beautiful silver collection on display and many centuries-old paintings. Our pictures had to be taken without flash so it was difficult to get clear photos.

Although it was cool and raining it was a fun day.

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