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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 13

Today we drove the Hatcher Pass Road the rest of the way to Willow then to Wasilla and back to camp. The pass was beautiful with Summit Lake at the summit and rugged mountains all around. The terrain was pretty much tundra at the top above the timber line at an elevation less than that of the city of Pocatello. You have to remember though that the elevation in the valley is only a couple hundred feet. From the pass on was Willow Creek, a pretty stream with occasional beaver ponds but nothing out of the ordinary. After returning to camp and a quick lunch we drove on to Anchorage where we are camping with more than a dozen other outfits in a mall parking lot just off the Old Seward Highway in the south end of town. We did a little grocery shopping and turned in. Tomorrow we plan to be at Uncle Don and Dixie’s place to end our trip up here.

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