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Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 22-23

These last two days we basically laid back to recuperate from the many long days and late nights fishing. A leak under the kitchen sink on the motor home had to be repaired and typical domestic duties were taken care of. We played greed (a fun dice game) with the Liljenquists until late Wednesday night. Gene won three times and Mom once. At about 7:30 AM Thursday morning we were still in bed when a ringing began that we did not immediately recognize. Finally we figured out that we were getting a Skype call. Without remembering the web camera I ran into the front of the motor home where the computer lives to answer and heard, “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I got you up. I totally forgot about the time difference. I’ll call back after Carter’s swimming lessons.” About then I realized that I was in my undies and my hair looked like, well, that I had just gotten out of bed. It’s OK Lindsy, we should be out of the sack by 7:30 even if we are on vacation. Then on Thursday afternoon we took a drive of about 85 miles through the city of Kenai and up the Kenai Spur Highway to it’s end at the Captain Cook State Recreation Area on the Cook inlet north of Kenai. It was a pretty drive and we saw a couple of pretty lakes and then came back to Kenai and talked to a Kenai resident about fishing in general while we watched people dip net fishing along the Cook Inlet shore below the bluff where we were standing. On the way back to camp we saw a mother moose and her calf along the highway.

1 comment:

  1. I'm never up that early so I would never expect you to be...especially since you never go to bed early. I liked the new posts. It looks like scenery is getting prettier and prettier. Love you.
