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Monday, July 27, 2009

July 26

We went to church this morning and stayed to all meetings. The Sunday school lesson covering D&C sections 121-123 could not have been better taught by a general authority and I was spiritually very touched. One of the members invited anyone, and especially visitors, to a pot luck lunch at her home after meetings. We decided to go and she and her husband, Bobbie and Harold Jackson, had a beautiful ten-acre property outside of town with a huge greenhouse and an incredible garden of vegetables, flowers, fruit trees and berries. The lunch was awesome with ribs, salads, salmon chowder, desserts and drinks. Many showed up and we had a great time getting to know some of the local members as well as several visitors. These people were so warm and friendly that it really made this a memorable day. We will be traveling with Don and Glenn for the next few days. We made reservations to take the cruise across Kachemak Bay from Homer to Halibut Cove on the "Danny J" tomorrow afternoon where we will dine at the Saltry Restaurant, walk around to see the sights and art galleries and return (Google them). Then to finish off the day we got to talk with Dave and Laurene Gardner at length for the first time on our trip and they told us of their recent purchase of a beautiful new motor home. We are anxious to see it and wish they were here with us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys had such a great day!! I am up super early this morning to take Ben to the airport. That's great the Dave and Laurene bought a motor home and I'm glad you got to chat with them. Have fun on your trip. I will miss you. I should have skyped you yesterday...I didn't realize you would be gone, but I will just talk to you when you get back. Love you!!
