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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 11

Breakfast was great with fresh raspberries in my cereal and in Mom’s protein drink. We traveled two hundred fifty miles today with very few stops and are now about fifty miles down the Cassiar Highway. The day started out fairly sunny and got cloudier later but no rain. It made for pretty scenery as we retraced a segment of our trip up between Jake’s Corner and the junction with highway #37 (referred to as Cassiar) just west of Watson Lake on the Alaska Highway. The first mile of the Cassiar Highway made it clear that it would be a very different highway. It is a narrow two lanes with no yellow lines and the first fifteen miles was either under construction or had frequent stretches of gravel. After that it improved but the narrow, curvy and at times uneven pavement made about forty miles per hour plenty fast. There were also a number of short steep hills followed by a climb reminiscent of the last fifty or so miles into Bullfrog on Lake Powell. We stopped at a very nice rest stop called Beaver Dam for the night. Why that name I don’t know because there is no creek nearby. We took a two-plus mile hike up a dirt road and back while being eaten by hoards of mosquitoes before dinner but we are still having a great time! We watched Louis L’Amour’s “The Quick and the Dead” before retiring.

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