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Friday, August 7, 2009

August 6

We laid over in Whitehorse today. This morning Gene and I took the laptop to the nearby Canadian Tire store (we are camped in a Wal-Mart parking lot here in Whitehorse again) to find wi-fi to research how to troubleshoot Gene’s motor home step that quit working a couple days ago. We got it working again but don’t know what we did to fix it so it may not be fixed permanently. I guess we’ll see. We then went separate ways for the afternoon and evening. Mom and I visited the fish ladder at the Schwatka Lake Dam just south of Whitehorse. They claim that it is the longest wooden fish ladder in the world. On the walkway above the entrance to the ladder we could see a lot of King (Chinook) salmon who were very red at this stage in the swirling water below us. We then checked out the world’s largest weather vain near the airport. It is a DC-3 airplane mounted on a swivel such that the nose always points into the wind. We looked for and found the Yukon Arts Center Gallery on the local college campus but it was closed. At that point we had a nice view to the south of the main part of the city along the Yukon River from a relatively high vantage point. Maybe we can visit the gallery tomorrow along with the nearby Takhini Hot Springs. To end the day we went to the Frantic Follies live stage show at the Westmark Whitehorse Hotel. It was really a lot of fun with some excellent talent. It featured a variety that included cancan dancing, musical instruments and vocals, jokes and hilarious skits from Robert W. Service ballads including The Cremation of Sam McGee. Some of the funniest parts, as is usually the case with these type of shows, involved calling up audience members and sufficiently embarrassing them to everyone else’s delight.

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