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Monday, April 18, 2011

Gallup, New Mexico (Indian Country and Route 66)

Fri Apr 15
This morning after a below freezing night outside we returned to the Gallup Cultural Center to see what we missed yesterday.

There were many beautiful displays of Indian culture and art

Hand Woven Blankets Using Hand Spun Wool Yarn (prices to buy one were up to $3000)

Incredibly Detailed Sand Paintings (using plants, berries and minerals to create colors)
Kachina Dolls (each had a unique ceremonial purpose)

Beautiful Sculpture Painted by Various Artists

but the thing that caught our attention was a film on the Chaco Canyon Ruins. A lot was told and explained about them including a complex road system between ruins and "great houses" that could be up to five stories high and contain hundreds of rooms and kivas. But the most fascinating was how the alignment of many building walls and a spiral petroglyph found near the top of a butte relate to shadows and beams of light cast by the sun and the moon. These ancient Chacoan peoples even went so far as to track the eighteen year cycle of the moon as it moves slightly more North or South over nine year periods. We then visited Red Rock Park a few miles East of Gallup. Besides the museum it was apparent that this park was primarily designed to support tribal rodeos. However, all rodeo facilities and the arena currently had restricted access.

They also had a very interesting museum, again on Indian culture and art which we enjoyed thoroughly.

Upon returning to town along historic Route 66 we stopped at the El Rancho Hotel. This working restored historic landmark from sixty-plus years ago is found along that famous highway in Gallup.

The interior was most beautiful with polished rough-hewn wood railings on the circular staircases and around the upper level above the lobby.

There were literally hundreds of autographed pictures of Hollywood celebrities, movie stars and even US presidents from the past who had visited hanging on all the upper level walls. As we have just finished watching a couple of John Wayne movies we took a picture of the section with his picture.

We then returned to camp to prepare for a trip to Chaco Culture National Historic Park tomorrow. We have some concerns as it is nearly 100 miles with 20 miles of dirt and gravel road each way that is not maintained. Hopefully it will be worth it.

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