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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Headed for New Mexico

Mon Apr 4
We said final goodbyes to neighbors and left our winter home in Countryside RV Park this morning traveling East. Off from highway 60 We took the scenic route from Superior to Winkelman and back to Globe. This was an interesting route with several long 10% grades to climb and descend and a couple of huge open pit copper mines along the way. The mountains and desert scenery were pretty with the highway following a short distance up the scenic Gila River canyon and then over El Capitan Pass.

Looking North Toward Globe From El Capitan Pass
From there we traveled to Safford then on to Lordsburg in New Mexico and finally stopped for the night at a Wal-Mart near the historic town of Mesilla in Las Cruces. From Globe to Las Cruces was quite boring scenery except for many Soaptree Yucca plants and broad yellow grassy plains, particularly in New Mexico. The Soaptree Yucca is one of the most characteristic plants of the Chihuahuan Desert. Once onto Interstate 10 in New Mexico it was nearly straight with almost no deviation in elevation for 120 miles. Even the continental divide was indiscernible were it not for a sign.

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