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Friday, April 1, 2011

Getting Too Warm at Time to Leave

Thu Mar 31
This morning we took our last bicycle ride around the park before storing the bikes for travel. We then spent considerable time escaping the heat at the pool and finished the day utilizing a gift card to enjoy a delicious dinner at an Olive Garden in Mesa.

Fri Apr 1
Dad reminded me that he needs to offer a belated thanks to his cousin, Ruby, for offering him a keepsake ring. She did this during our recent party with his cousins. The ring has a large turquoise stone set in silver that Ruby recently found on Ivan's property after it was unearthed following some minor excavation. The ring was no doubt made by his Uncle Leland who made such jewelry as a hobby and must have given it to one of his Uncle Lowell's family members years ago. Dad was very touched by this thoughtful generosity because years ago his Uncle Leland had given him a similar ring that he had lost somewhere long the way.

Today we paid our final electric bill and checked out. We were scheduled to leave today but the park allowed us to stay through the weekend at no charge so we could wait out the worst of the heat and wind predicted this weekend while we enjoy the LDS conference sessions. It is forecast to be considerably cooler by Monday in southern New Mexico where we are headed. This morning we took pictures of various cactus in bloom around the park. Cactus in bloom are beautiful and we are overjoyed to see at least the beginning of this season before leaving.

The high temperature record for this date was not just broken but shattered. Today we experienced 100 degrees while the previous record was 96.

Thermometer at the Pool at Noon

 You might have guessed that we spent much of the day at the pool.

Not So Busy at Noon but What a Crowd by 3PM


  1. Wow. 100. Crazy! I would love to take just 10 degrees of that for here. Is that too much to ask? :) Enjoy conference. Love you.

  2. Thanks for sharing. The pictures of the flowers are beautiful... Makes me think about painting them. We are in the 70's here. 100 is a bit hot in a trailer.
