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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Country Living and a Visit From the McKnights

From June 7th through the 9th we built an eight to eleven-foot high fence around our garden area to keep out deer and rabbits. They literally ate our garden to ground level last summer. This and screening off the underside of our shop entrance cover to prevent some very determined swallows from building a nest are part of the “perks” of living in the country (but we wouldn’t trade it for city life again…yet).

Leslie, Matt and their boys stayed with us from June 10th through the 14th while Matt was attending job training classes in Pocatello. We had the typical high level of activity, quibbles, airsoft guns, mock fishing, whittling, movies and video games with 4 young boys between one and thirteen years old and one dog. On the other hand Leslie and the boys are always willing to be helpful where needed and we always enjoy their company. But I do think Matt and Les deserve special credit for the tolerance and patience required to raise this bunch of energetic boys since they are such good kids. We really love them!

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