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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ryan's Wedding, Graduations and Family Fun

Take a deep breath as this is a long one. While reading this post imagine our three days it records. On May 23rd we left for Salt Lake City with Leslie and her four boys for our oldest grandson, Ryan Ockey’s wedding on the 24th to Tisah Quarnberg. We stayed at the Plaza Hotel so we could be at the Salt Lake Temple by eight thirty the next morning for the ceremony. That afternoon we spent touring around temple square and the newly finished City Creek Center across from Temple Square.
Travis, Brandyn, Dillan, me, Leslie holding Jaxon

The Beehive House
City Creek Center is a beautiful outdoor mall
Dillan didn't make it through the pulsing fountian without getting squirted

The actual creek flows through the mall

The boys had a great evening playing in the pool. Even little Jaxon enjoyed the hot tub.
Dillan, Travis, Jaxon and Brandyn
The wedding was beautiful. It was great to see how happy Ryan and Tisah were. They were so cute.
Me, Lindsy, LaRinda holding Avery/Emilia?, Trevor, Ben, Travis, Leslie, Dillan, Jaxon, Brandyn
We then went back to Sringville for a luncheon for them...

and then we were off to our granddaughter, Kaylie O’Donnal’s high school graduation also in Springville. Kaylie was the senior class president and gave one of the speeches. She did a great job but for a small school it sure seemed like a long program.
Brendyn, Corinne, Kaylie, LaRinda, Alyssa and Trevor
We then rushed to Ryan and Tisah’s reception back in Provo.

We stayed that night with Leon and Chrissy in Payson. The next morning was their son, Brendon’s graduation from grade school.
Brendon is on the left of the front row

Leon, Brendon and Chrissy
We then spent all afternoon in a Payson city park with all our children and their families, except the O’Donnals who were celebrating Corinne’s birthday.

There Leon, with his equipment and expert assistance, helped all who wanted to rappel high into a huge tree.

Later all who wanted to swing took turns swinging from the same high rope.

Most of this time the little ones played on nearby playground equipment.

We all had a very memorable day thanks to Leon’s time and efforts.

1 comment:

  1. It's Emilia. :) That was a very fun couple of days, packed full, but fun. Love you guys!
