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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Taylor Turns Three and Helping Family

We were home for Taylor’s third birthday party on May 5th at Lance and Aubri’s. Taylor was a lot more into it this year. For some reason we can't find the pictures we took so we'll substitute some pictures we took a week later while we were tending her.

That same morning our dance instructor/geocaching friends, Allen and Lois Sedgwick from Arizona stopped on there way home to St. Anthony, Idaho for a short visit. I had told them I would have a geocache hidden and I still don’t have that done but I will soon. Matt and Leslie and kids also came to visit us that weekend.

Leo’s sisters, Sharon and Bonnie, had called asking for help with his brother, Duane, and Julie’s new home in Nampa. It is an older home and they had moved in but needed help getting their place cleaned up and to help with a number of essential repairs. We were there from May 8th through the 12th. Dad, Duane and Bonnie’s husband, Kirk and son, Tyson worked long days on the patio cover, back yard weed patch, rain gutters, tree trimming, sprinkler plumbing and electrical and plumbing projects inside while Bonnie, Sharon and I helped Julie with hanging curtains, cleaning, unpacking and etc.

Duane and Julie, Dad and I, Dad's sister Sharon

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