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Friday, July 27, 2012

Visit From the O'Donnals

Wow, finally caught up for the past three months. Continue on to older posts until you reach our return from Arizona for these very busy three months and thanks for following our family's history.

The weekend after returning from Island Park LaRinda, Trevor and all kids but Kaylie came up to spend some time with us. They have just moved into a new home in Springville, Utah.
Thus all of our children are now home owners once again. They, like most of our families, come loaded with electronic devices and a typical scene is everyone sitting around looking at or typing on a phone, tablet, netbook, laptop, Kindle, etc. What a difference from the “toys” we had in the youth of our generation! That is not to say that they didn’t also enjoy some time outdoors in our back yard. We love that they always bring their musical instruments and art supplies to entertain us with their many musical and artistic talents. We are very proud that their eldest daughter, Corinne, has chosen to serve our country by enlisting in the National Guard with a test score that qualifies her to receive advanced language training. On Saturday Leslie and her kids and Lance and Aubri came out with Taylor to spend the day with us. It was a fun mini-reunion.

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