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Monday, January 3, 2011

Sun Jan 2
We spent most of Saturday "nesting" (laundry, etc.) in our new home and meeting neighbors. The good internet was short lived but they are saying they'll have someone check it out on site tomorrow. We attended church this morning in the Goldfield LDS Ward in Apache Junction which will be our home ward for the next three months. The people were very friendly and we felt a warm spirit. It is not a "senior" ward although we found it a small world when at least three other snowbird families were from Pocatello and Idaho Falls and some knew people Dad knows in Inkom. To add to this irony we have been going to contact Katy Merrill (Dad's cousins Norman and Kathy Walker's daughter and Lindsy's friend) to give her some tangerines we picked from Aunt Eula's trees last week. We knew she lived in this area somewhere but then in Relief Society meeting there she was sitting in front of me!

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