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Friday, January 14, 2011

YEA! We Have Internet

Wed Jan 12
This afternoon we went to Phoenix to visit my brother Jimmy and his wife Ronnie. They are here visiting from Texas with their daughter Tina and her family who live here. We had a good long visit and they invited us for dinner.
Thu Jan 13
Happy birthday to Brendon Lewis. The highlight of today was when we finally got decent internet service up and running late in the day. I also bought art supplies and supplies to make wire wrap jewelry. Our neighbors, the Bramwell's who are both artists are going to teach me how to water color. After talking to nearly all our kids on Skype we celebrated with another dip in the pool and hot tub. This practice is becoming habit forming.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently I am not one of the "nearly all." :) Hope we get to catch up soon. Love you. Glad your internet is figured out.
