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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Organ Stop Pizza

Thu Feb 17
Dad and I with Gayle and Dick

The Organ Console with Organist Lew Williams

A Portion of the Theatre
This morning Dave and Laurene left for their camp in Gila Bend in spite of us trying to talk them into staying for the trip to Organ Stop Pizza this afternoon. We suspect Dave is anxious to install the new solar panels he bought for his motor home but they missed a very interesting and inspiring show to accompany a pizza lunch buffet. We went with Gayle and Dick Bramwell, our dear friends from Arkansas who had done this in prior years. It is difficult to describe the largest Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ in the world played by a world-renowned organist. This organ was built in 1927 and has been added to over the years. Included are a grand piano, a honky-tonk piano, various drums, cymbals, an accordion, chimes and many other instruments that, when combined and controlled through a giant, elegant, central console, can create the sounds of a full blown orchestra with just one musician. One interesting demonstration very realistically simulated the sounds of a steam locomotive arriving at the station. The organ now includes 6000 pipes and the resulting instrument boasts 78 ranks, 17 tuned percussions and innumerable traps and effects for you music aficionados. Songs were played upon audience requests and Dad requested our song, "Unchained Melody." The organist also concluded with the national anthem of our Canadian friends and the "Star Spangled Banner."

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