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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

St. Lucia

Wed Feb 9
Harbor at Castries

Scene Along Highway to Soufriere

Town Along Seacoast

First View of the Pitons

Soufriere With Pitons in Background

Sulphur Volcano

Diamond Botanical Garden

Diamond Botanical Garden

Diamond Botanical Garden

Diamond Botanical Garden
Varitey of Tropical Fruits Display in Botanical Garden

Dad and I in Botanical Garden

Diamond Botanical Garden

Street View in Soufriere

Seacoast View Just South of Castries

Fun Dancing with William
Dining Room Staff Parade
We docked at the town of Castries on the west coast. Dad and I found a taxi tour to the town of Soufriere further South along the West coast while all the kids went to a zip line through the jungle tour. The main attraction in that area are twin sharp mountain peaks on the coastline just to the South of town called the Pitons. The entire drive was very scenic as we swayed from side to side on the very winding road. We stopped on the return trip at a sulphur "volcano" similar to what you might see in Yellowstone Park. From there we stopped at Diamond Botanical Gardens Mineral Baths and Waterfalls near the town of Soufriere. We found this to be a highlight of the tour due to the beauty and variety of plants and fruits we had never before seen. That evening at dinner the entire waiter staff put on a parade and sang in the dining room. I had a lot of fun dancing with William. After that William tried to teach us all the Macarena along with the rest of the crowd. After dinner we went to the Love and Marriage Gameshow in the main theater where we laughed until we almost cried the entire show.

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