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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Visiting Friends and Relatives

Sun Feb 20
The last couple of days I made my first wire wrap jewelry. For my first try I think my ring turned out pretty good. After meetings on Sunday Dad went home teaching with his partner, Allen Sedgwick, also snow birding in our Goldfield ward from Ashton, Idaho. We then went to visit Dad's Aunt Eula and second cousins Kevin and Andrea Walker and their new baby Alexander. Aunt Eula looks very fragile but she says she is feeling well. We picked a good supply of oranges, grapefruits and tangerines in Aunt Eula's back yard. We really enjoy the fresh fruit and I'm putting a lot of miles on my new power juicer. Afterwards we went over to visit Dad's cousin Norman Walker and his wife Kathy.
Tue Feb 22
Dave, Lynn, Julia, Orlin, Laurene, Gene and I

Yesterday and today we traveled to Gila Bend to visit the Gardners and Liljenquists. They were camped in Augie's RV Park. We stayed overnight with the Gardners. Gene and Lynn were returning from Gene's Dad's funeral in Pocatello Monday afternoon. They said it felt good to get back to Arizona. While we were there Laurene's brother Orlin and his wife Julia also passed through for a visit. We had a good time and on the return trip we stopped to visit Dad's cousins Milo and Ivan Walker in Queen Creek.

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