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Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 15-18

These first few days in Soldotna could be summed up with clean vehicles, vehicle repair and maintenance, take care of accumulated business when forwarded mail arrived, then work, fish, clean fish, work, fish, clean fish, and smoke and pack fish. With long hours of daylight it has been common to climb into the sack at 1:00 AM or later (fish have to be cleaned, filleted and cared for after the fun of catching is over and as long as it's light it's hard to stop fishing). The first night here we bought one-week fishing licenses Tuesday night and at midnight Wednesday morning we started fishing. We have been fishing for Sockeye or "Red" Salmon exclusively and they vary from around 6 pound to over 10 pounds. The largest we have caught so far was 9 pounds 12 ounces. Mom is having the time of her life and seems to be really enjoying herself fishing and conversing with her brothers, Dixie and all the friends and family of Don and Dixie that are around constantly. Glenn is also here with us (he flew up before we arrived).

1 comment:

  1. I notice that noone else stands anywhere near mom as she reals in her that the same as last's just not safe to get that close when she is fishing? :)
