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Thursday, July 2, 2009

June 28

This morning we found a branch to attend church in Williams Lake, BC. By sheer coincidence a return missionary named Elder Fairburn was reporting his mission to the Idaho, Pocatello mission. He knew Gene’s neighbor, Bob Sweat and also Hayden and Dallen Lambson. It was a very spiritual meeting with the branch president speaking about missionary work and prophesying about the coming growth of the Church in this area. For some reason the choice of hymns also really touched me. After sacrament meeting we took a short drive West along the Chilcotin Highway toward Bella Coola but we didn’t have time to drive the entire 279 miles and nothing interesting showed up in the first 20 or so miles so we returned and drove back past camp to the 108 Mile Heritage Site where a number of old pioneer buildings, timber and mining equipment and farm implements and displays were very interesting. It was a little touch with age reality to recognize a number of museum items, the type of dress, household furnishings and farm implements my parents had when I was a child. From there we went back to a cutoff just east of Williams Lake to a town called Horsefly and then a little beyond on a dirt road to an undeveloped but very pretty Moffat Creek Falls. By then it was getting late and we returned to camp where Bonnie and Lynn prepared a delicious halibut meal to end the day.

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