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Monday, July 6, 2009

July 4

Happy birthday USA! Today we logged close to 200 miles to Liard River where Liard Hot Springs is located. It is a natural hot spring that has been partially developed in that there is a boardwalk constructed to reach it with bathrooms, a changing room and board walks around the pools but the pools are pretty much natural with gravel bottoms. The pools were warmest at the top and cooler in lower pools. We spent about two hours turning into prunes before we gave it up to the mosquitoes and horse flies but it was a very enjoyable soak. We are camped across from the campground, which is full, in a large graveled parking area. Here we met a couple that have sold their home and been full time RVers for 23 years. The road today was spectacular mountain scenery almost every mile. We also saw a caribou, several groups of stone sheep, two bears and two buffalo.

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