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Thursday, July 2, 2009

June 26

We drove back to Hope to find a car parts store. On the way we made a few stops, one was at Hells Gate. We rode the tram down 500 ft. across the Fraser River. It was quite muddy in color, one of the widest rivers that we have seen so far. The water moved fast and swift along it. It narrows to 110 ft. wide. The river was 170 feet deep in the gorge at the present time. The scenery was beautiful there. There is a visitor center at the bottom of the tram ride across the river. While I was at the gift shop picking some post cards a man turned around and grabbed me at the waist. He was hanging on for dear life. Then he realized that I wasn’t a display falling. He was sufficiently embarrassed and he, his wife and I all had a very good laugh. When Leo came in the lady said she had never seen her husband turn so red. Of course he thought it was me that caused the ruckus. We learned about the gold rush that happened here in 1857. We stopped to see the Alexander Bridge again so Gene and Lynn could see it. When we returned to camp Gene and Leo worked on the motor home. All new spark plugs and a fuel filter were installed. They were installed in time to have a game of Tripoli before a shower and bed.

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