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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 8

It is 11:00 PM and the sun is still well up above the horizon. We just returned from a six hour, two hundred mile round trip up the Dempster Highway which travels North across the Arctic Circle for about four hundred seventy miles of gravel road to the remote village of Inuvik, Northwest Territories. We got to view some beautiful mountains, valleys, streams and a stretch of arctic tundra devoid of virtually any trees. At the end of our trip we saw the trails left by caribou on their annual migration route over many years across the face of a bare mountain side. We are now camped at the Klondike River Lodge at the junction of the Klondike and Dempster highways. On the way here we went through considerable construction today and the motor home and Elantra are coated with mud. The scenery along the Klondike highway was pretty mundane as scenery goes around here. There were a couple of burned areas many miles long from past forest fires and the first fifty miles or so the air was filled with haze from some forest fire currently burning somewhere, apparently West or Southwest of us.

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