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Thursday, July 2, 2009

June 29

More maintenance today to fill jack reservoir on motor home and try to get CB radio working that failed about the third day out. We drove to Williams Lake and filled with gas (Can $1.06.9 per liter), grocery shopped and went looking for CB radios and antennas. An antenna purchased at Canadian Tire did not help and was returned. We went on to Quesnel where we camped at a Wal-Mart and bought a CB radio that seems to work. We’ll know better tomorrow when we have some distance between us. We then had dinner at Denny’s and drove to a lookout in Pinnacles Provincial Park nearby. It was overlooking a deep canyon with a river in the bottom and sheer walls for many feet on our side along with some interesting features. From there we visited a river park near the confluence of the Fraser and Quesnel Rivers. It was a beautiful walk with many informational displays about the history of the area, primarily centered around the Caribou Gold Rush of the 1850’s. An interesting note is that the Fraser River flows up to 850,000 cubic meters of water per second as it flows through Hope, BC. At roughly 30 cubic feet per cubic meter this represents 25,500,000 cubic feet per second (CFS) of flow. We were impressed with approximately 18,000 to 20,000 CFS flowing over Shoshone Falls earlier this year in the Snake River. The Fraser at high water flows about 1275 times as much. Can you imagine the size of this river?

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