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Friday, December 10, 2010

Exploring Quartzsite Area

Thu Dec 9
First thing this morning Dad tried to find out why the air conditioning on the Elantra has quit to no avail. The remainder of the day was spent getting better acquainted with the town. We signed up at the senior citizen center to get more reliable wifi. We lunched at the Jerky Store then visited the library and a whole lot of flea market stores along Kuhen Road. In the evening we went to town to Skype as many of our kids as we could find home. It was fun visiting with each family and we plan to try again tomorrow evening.
Fri Dec 10
This morning we got our mail that Leta Shaffer had forwarded. This left plenty of business to take care of with taxes, insurances and bank statements. But we still spent over three hours touring the town on bicycles with Phil. Since he knew the area it went quite smoothly until just before home I crashed with some minor scuffs and bruises but nothing serious. In all we covered just about ten miles and visited a number of interesting places with a couple of rest stops along the way. The first was a car lot that specializes in cars with few exceptions from the 40's through the 70's. Some were customized and many were in very nice condition. We then made our way to the city park and visited Celia's Rainbow Gardens that were inspired by an 8-year old girl's untimely death who had dreamed of making the world a better place. Close to that near city hall were a number of Native Ironwood Trees along a wash, some of which are known to be over 1000 years old. It was over 80 degrees today and in spite of being a little sore it was a pleasant and fun day that was finished of with a beautiful sunset.

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