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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Frost Coming to Phoenix

Wed Dec 29
This morning we drove into Chandler to visit Dad's Aunt Eula and help her Grandson, Kevin, pick fruit. Aunt Eula is still not looking or feeling well. Tangerines will be damaged with the coming hard freezes that are expected Thursday and Friday nights. We picked about five bushels. Apparently grapefruits and oranges are less likely to be damaged so they were left on the trees. Kevin let us take all the tangerines, oranges and grapefruits we thought we could use and we are in hog heaven. Last night I bought a citrus juicer and the taste of fresh citrus fruit juice is unlike anything you can create with store-bought fruit. Shortly after we got back to camp it began raining quite steadily and it is quite cool. I guess the walk we were going to take will have to wait for a better day.

1 comment:

  1. Fun to catch up. Sorry we didn't get to chat yet this week. We had a busy week with Leslie in town. I still remember how incredibly amazing that orange and grapefruit juice was that we had at Aunt Eula's house when I was in HS and we were down there visiting Arizona for vball. YUM! I am jealous. :) And speaking of the weather...see...I told you to spend the winter here. It was 58 last night while we were at the zoo to ring in the new year. I won't tell you that it is back in the 20's this next week ;). MISS YOU!! Love you.
