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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More Quartzsite...

Mon Dec 13
Today was a fairly quiet day. We visited the senior center this morning for wifi and to check out the crafts class. We then did a little shopping and went for about a 3-mile bike ride. My bottom was far to sore from the ride last week for any more.
Tue Dec 14
We went touring south of Quartzsite today, again with Phil. It has been fun spending time with him. We did quite a few miles of gravel roads to see two attractions. The first was Palm Canyon. This is the only place in Arizona where palm trees grow in a canyon. They are seen after a steep, rough half-mile hike from the parking area in a narrow canyon high on the mountain within a larger canyon. The mountains are solid rock, almost devoid of vegetation, very steep and quite picturesque. The small palm grove provided quite a contrast. We then traveled further south to the ghost town and mining district of Castle Dome City. Silver mining was done here from the mid 1800's through the 1970's. It was very well preserved and well worth the long dusty gravel road to reach it. The city area was similar to Custer on the Yankee Fork near Stanley, Idaho but with much more to see. There were many buildings including a church, bank, several bars, motel, blacksmith shop, sheriff's office and jail, general store, dentist's office, gas station and much more. All were well preserved with more displays of era memorabilia in each building than one might imagine. Much history was recounted and posted throughout the town. The adjacent mining area was ticketed separately and was interesting but nothing compared to the town site. It was a somewhat tiring day but very worthwhile. The weather continues to be sunny and into the lower 80's. We learned that yesterday set a record high for Quartzsite.

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